• [2018/06/22]
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[OFF TOPIC] How to start a Fight 101

Please...help me...

I only have 1 thing....to say
Ssssh, we all know that you also like cute, singing zombie girls, no need to say so.

So here comrade, have a Full Restore!

EDIT: my grammar is bad
Ssssh, we all know that you also like cute, singing zombie girls, no need to say so.

So here comrade, have a Full Restore!

EDIT: my grammar is bad
Well I was going to say I didn't vote in the wars...but that works too
Wait* realizes,what I just said*....oh S#!& I just realized I....oh no

Kill me now or get rid of this I don't want any evidence
Wait* realizes,what I just said*....oh S#!& I just realized I....oh no
Haha, don't worry about it, no one's gonna get all worked up over the fact that you like Squigly.

It's the truth anyways, there's no better girl than Squigly.
No it's because I live in his hat..

If I see you spread this you will be dead

Or be more dead....idk how it works
Hey man, knowing who the true best girl is isn't that bad of a crime(as if it is a crime), not that I'd spread the news anyways.
At least I know now that someone has good taste.
That's it * gets battle ready * get ready you can go first and if not..
Heh, I'm ready for anything, though we still have some time of peace.

If there is a fight about to burst out, let's just hope we can settle that peacefully.
Heh, I'm ready for anything, though we still have some time of peace.

If there is a fight about to burst out, let's just hope we can settle that peacefully.
Fine idk what I'm doing run tbh

Well if you don't want to to make a squigly then I guess I have nothing else to do