This is something i've been wanting for a while now, more special events on special occasion! I hope we'll get more of these in the future!
Personally i want that Peacock, because, as we all know, Peacock is best girl.
Definitely a great addition! I personally haven't gotten anything i wanted to buy now, but there's a lot of variety which is really nice, so there's probably regularly something you are looking for. Even keys and Premiere relics, which is fantastic. And having more things to use coins on instead of hoarding them for leveling is a good thing too.
Though i have to say (with my very limited view of 4 refreshes for now), i feel like there's too many bronze moves.
These feel pretty much like dead space when you already have access to plenty of gold moves through Gold/Master dailies.
Perhaps reduce the chance of bronze moves appearing depending on Player account level?
Though maybe it's much too early for me to say this, still wanted to give some preliminary feedback on that!
This is also something i've been waiting for for a while. Having to go look around for screenshots or asking people every time you want to know something about a fighter is a bit cumbersome, so having a wiki to look things up on is a great step in the right direction.
Maybe an in-game encyclopedia would be nice in the future as well, but wiki's have their upsides as well since it's community space.
Glad to see regular balance changes as always.
And especially happy about the Painwheel Marquee change.
Before the Marquee was useless 90% of the time because you'd be dead by the end of an enemy combo before you could use the enrage stacks. Now you can negate a lot of damage (when fighting a crit fighter) and counter with a whole stack of enrages! Definitely a needed change and i'm glad to see you guys are willing to change up marquees as well after the fact.
Not much to say here - new stages are always good to shake things up a bit! Also nicely spooky
Some nice things here too. Especially the increase of minimum elemental shards. Getting just 10 shards from a relic was quite disheartening making me not even consider spending my hard earned theo on the quite expensive relics. This should somewhat alleviate that feeling, though i feel the relics are still a bit pricey all things considered.
Once again, fantastic work you guys!
Enjoying the new update a lot (aside from the increased performance problems, but let's hope they'll get ironed out soon!) and can't wait for the halloween event. Luckily in europe Halloween isn't such a big event as in other parts of the world, so i'll have plenty of time to grind this one for the chance of getting that necro