• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: Fukua Release Details & Relic Availability


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
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Hey everyone!

As mentioned in our 2020 Preview post, Fukua is just around the corner in our 4.2 update, which we hope to release later this month!

Similar to our Robo-Fortune Release Details Thread, we wanted to give you a heads up about some changes we're making regarding her availability (especially as it relates to Relics) when that update goes live so you can plan accordingly.


  • Fukua WILL NOT be available in Standard Relics at launch in 4.2. This includes Premiere, Jackpot, Elemental, Silver/Gold/Diamond, and many other Relics.
  • If you are saving existing Relics for Fukua, you WILL NOT be able to acquire her from those Relics in 4.2. If you still wish to save your current Relics for Fukua Fighters, she will be added to Standard Relics in 4.3.
  • Fukua WILL be available with increased odds (much like the 2x odds for Standard Relics with Robo-Fortune) in special Fukua "Branded" versions of the Premiere Relic and the Jackpot Relic ONLY. These Relics will be available for Theonite (150 and 500 respectively) in the Relic Store for the entire duration of the 4.2 release.
  • Fukua's Daily Events WILL be available when 4.2 launches.
  • Fukua's Character Relic (containing ONLY Fukua Fighters) WILL be added to all Fighter Variety Pack offers when 4.2 launches. More details on other Fukua related offers will be announced at a later date.
  • As with Robo-Fortune, Fukua's Prize Fight and Fukua's Character Relic WILL NOT be scheduled until 4.3 launches.
If you have any other questions, please let us know down below and we'll be happy to provide further clarifications as needed.


As mentioned in our Brand New Character Post, we're currently in the process of working with Lab Zero to create a brand new (not Fukua!) character that has never before been playable in the Skullgirls universe. This brand new character will arrive later this year.

As you can imagine, animating and implementing brand new hand drawn characters is extremely expensive. For us to cover the massive up front costs required to make a brand new character, we need to ensure that each new character launch is generating enough revenue to cover the next character's development costs.

As such, these Fukua release changes are intended to refine our process for releasing brand new characters into Skullgirls Mobile, perhaps even enabling Skullgirls console and PC content in the future. (!!!)

TL;DR... In the interest of full transparency, we want to be crystal clear with our goals and aspirations for Skullgirls:

If both Fukua and the upcoming brand new character's launch are a financial success, we'll be in a great position to create even MORE characters for everyone to play with in the future. This is THE DREAM. We get to continue bringing unreleased characters to life, and all of our wonderful players get to enjoy them! We look forward to your support in helping us to achieve this goal and thus enable Skullgirls to continue to grow for many more years to come.​

We’ve never been more excited about the future of Skullgirls, and we couldn't have gotten this far without your unwavering support. From the bottom of our hearts... THANK YOU!

<3 All of us at Hidden Variable
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man, i feel sorry for those who saved relics...


edit: i just reread and fukua will come to premiere at 4.3. my brain be sipping dumbass juice as usual
Welp, looks like I'm hoarding my relics until 4.3, lol! Anyone wanna place bets on how high the total gets before then? 500? 750? 1000?

Good thing I've been hoarding theonite too, I'm probably gonna open a 10+1 of the Fukua premieres to get at least a Bronze to work with until then. Might even earn enough to get the Jackpot 10+1 before 4.2 ends, we'll see.
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I know It is out of context
But mean one Peacock and Christmas Double (i don't remember her mame) Will ve available in 4.2?
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  • Fukua WILL NOT be available in Standard Relics at launch in 4.2. This includes Premiere, Jackpot, Elemental, Silver/Gold/Diamond, and many other Relics.
  • If you are saving existing Relics for Fukua, you WILL NOT be able to acquire her from those Relics in 4.2. If you still wish to save your current Relics for Fukua Fighters, she will be added to Standard Relics in 4.3.
Oof the wait continues! Thanks for the heads up. Seems like I'll be late to the Fukua party.

Thanks devs, amazing work as always.
Couple questions though:
Are Fukua dailies the only way to get moves, or can we get them at random from relics as well?

Also will the 2x odds to get Fukua appear in regular relics in 4.3 like Robo Fortune? (if not I'm not gonna bother hoarding, it's so hard to do!)
This is awesome! I'm wondering if 4.2 will arrive on this month for the upcoming event (Like the last year) or will come on April like Robo-Fortune the last year.
Anyway I'm so hype up, looking forward for Fukua and whats in store for the game along the whole year
Keep up with this amazing work your doing with Skullgirls in general!
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... well ... I'm still annoyed at the "cheats" results of score-based battles but I don't care anymore ... I'm still all powerful and my fighters are perfectly balanced between skills and gross power.
... According to Fukua I only hope that he has a high% rate in obtaining a gold or diamond.
And this is my final question ..
What are the chances that Panzerfaust and Braindrain are in the future within this mobile version of Skullgirls?
... Of the "new" character they have in mind I imagine is Annie Stars ... and then nothing else.

Keep improving

.. by the way .. I am not otako or anything like those obcessive scrolls .. I just really enjoy fighting games with well-blown alpha male super-exalted girls and handmade sprites.

Much Peace and Thank you for reading my papyrus size comment.
I've never played any version other than mobile so I'm really excited to finally get to play as Fukua! And the fact that we're getting a new character just adds to my excitement!

wait is it possible to overdose on excitement?
What about the stuff available in the CoC?

Obviously the Bronze/Silver Fukuas won't be added there until 4.3 or later, but what about her Moves, Skill Points, and Catalysts?
Hey everyone!

As mentioned in our 2020 Preview post, Fukua is just around the corner in our 4.2 update, which we hope to release later this month!

Similar to our Robo-Fortune Release Details Thread, we wanted to give you a heads up about some changes we're making regarding her availability (especially as it relates to Relics) when that update goes live so you can plan accordingly.


  • Fukua WILL NOT be available in Standard Relics at launch in 4.2. This includes Premiere, Jackpot, Elemental, Silver/Gold/Diamond, and many other Relics.
  • If you are saving existing Relics for Fukua, you WILL NOT be able to acquire her from those Relics in 4.2. If you still wish to save your current Relics for Fukua Fighters, she will be added to Standard Relics in 4.3.
  • Fukua WILL be available with increased odds (much like the 2x odds for Standard Relics with Robo-Fortune) in special Fukua "Branded" versions of the Premiere Relic and the Jackpot Relic ONLY. These Relics will be available for Theonite (150 and 500 respectively) in the Relic Store for the entire duration of the 4.2 release.
  • Fukua's Daily Events WILL be available when 4.2 launches.
  • Fukua's Character Relic (containing ONLY Fukua Fighters) WILL be added to all Fighter Variety Pack offers when 4.2 launches. More details on other Fukua related offers will be announced at a later date.
  • As with Robo-Fortune, Fukua's Prize Fight and Fukua's Character Relic WILL NOT be scheduled until 4.3 launches.
If you have any other questions, please let us know down below and we'll be happy to provide further clarifications as needed.


As mentioned in our Brand New Character Post, we're currently in the process of working with Lab Zero to create a brand new (not Fukua!) character that has never before been playable in the Skullgirls universe. This brand new character will arrive later this year.

As you can imagine, animating and implementing brand new hand drawn characters is extremely expensive. For us to cover the massive up front costs required to make a brand new character, we need to ensure that each new character launch is generating enough revenue to cover the next character's development costs.

As such, these Fukua release changes are intended to refine our process for releasing brand new characters into Skullgirls Mobile, perhaps even enabling Skullgirls console and PC content in the future. (!!!)

TL;DR... In the interest of full transparency, we want to be crystal clear with our goals and aspirations for Skullgirls:

If both Fukua and the upcoming brand new character's launch are a financial success, we'll be in a great position to create even MORE characters for everyone to play with in the future. This is THE DREAM. We get to continue bringing unreleased characters to life, and all of our wonderful players get to enjoy them! We look forward to your support in helping us to achieve this goal and thus enable Skullgirls to continue to grow for many more years to come.​

We’ve never been more excited about the future of Skullgirls, and we couldn't have gotten this far without your unwavering support. From the bottom of our hearts... THANK YOU!

<3 All of us at Hidden Variable
And I, with all my heart say THANK YOU SKULLGIRLS TEAM for such an amazing masterpiece.
One more thing, is it possible for you guys to make a Fukua thread on the character list of the forum, cause I wanna do another colour palette discussion. Please, thanks
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So exciting!! I'm really curious as to what her character specific "fight mod theme" will be. Something new or a combination of things already available? We will have to remain at the edge of our seats until the update!

This may be a lot to ask, but it would be very generous of the devs to give every player at least one fukua relic as soon as she's out so we can all have one to play around with :>

Just a suggestion! Thank you for all your work Devs and you have all our love ♡
Hmm, Robo-Fortune's Prize Fight modification was about barriers, a buff that many RF variants benefit from, so maybe Fukua's PF will have something to do with her character ability, Sanguine Shadow (as detailed in the recent Touch Arcade article). With her 100% scratch damage, maybe some kind of "benched fighters heal scratch damage twice as fast" or something that encourages tagging.

One more thing, is it possible for you guys to make a Fukua thread on the character list of the forum, cause I wanna do another colour palette discussion. Please, thanks

In the meantime, join us over here, where we have been talking about palette picks and other Fukua features over in this General Discussion thread: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/fukua-speculation.16291/

For that Fukua section in the Characters area of the forum, we may need to summon @Sairus or @Fel or @Psyche or any mod that may have the admin powers to create it.

A Fukua section and an Umb- er, I mean, totally unknown upcoming new character section please! :D the latter can wait until official reveal!
will fukua moves be available in move relics this update? or will that be in 4.3 as well?
Great question!

For 4.2, Fukua's moves WILL NOT be available in Bronze, Silver, or Gold Move Relics, or Daily and Take a Break Relics.

You can get Fukua's moves in 4.2 from the following sources:
  • The Cabinet of Curiosities, at a slightly increased Canopy Coin and Rift Coin cost.
  • Her Daily Event:
    • Five guaranteed: One from the Boss Node, one for each Treasure Node, and two as a 100% completion reward. This applies to all to all four difficulties.
    • Any others that randomly drop from other nodes.
  • Fukua guaranteed gold move Offers, similar to Robo-Fortune's release.
Once 4.3 is released, your Bronze, Silver, and Gold Move Relics, and Daily and Take a Break Relics will be able to grant Fukua moves.
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@Sairus will all of our regular relics grant 2x chance for Fukua similarly to Robo fortunes release in 4.3?

Great question!

For 4.2, Fukua's moves WILL NOT be available in Bronze, Silver, or Gold Move Relics, or Daily and Take a Break Relics.

You can get Fukua's moves in 4.2 from the following sources:
  • The Cabinet of Curiosities, at a slightly increased Canopy Coin and Rift Coin cost.
  • Her Daily Event:
    • Five guaranteed: One from the Boss Node, one for each Treasure Node, and two as a 100% completion reward. This applies to all to all four difficulties.
    • Any others that randomly drop from other nodes.
  • Fukua guaranteed gold move Offers, similar to Robo-Fortune's release.
Once 4.3 is released, your Bronze, Silver, and Gold Move Relics, and Daily and Take a Break Relics will be able to grant Fukua moves.
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Thank YOU for being so considerate for both versions of the game and allowing the SG community and games grow for years, it's been a fun ride and im still excited for the future!
(PS: im still upset i spent 50 dollars for Persona and did not get her :( )