I'll admit that as an end game player, my perspective of the early/mid game isn't so accurate anymore, especially since I reached the end game before opponent stats were implemented in PFs. However, the way I see it, the game forces you to fight these teams 2-2.5x your team's FS at high streaks because it's trying to stop you from having long streaks, and I think that's fine.
Back when stats weren't implemented, it was balanced. I'll concede that maybe the opponent team scaling could use some tweaking to accommodate the increased difficulty now that opponents all have their bonus stats. The issue with this is that lowering the potential FS difference from high streaks would decrease the maximum potential longshot bonus you can gain from PF matches, and would decrease overall XP gains, which I'm not a fan of.
Most top players don't play full teams and run 1-2 xp sponges in place of competent fighters so that we can get a bit of xp onto our dupes in our collections. The difficulty never truly goes away, even for top players, unless you're willing to completely abandon leveling up all the other fighters in your collection.
Perhaps enemies should be scaled up accordingly for PFs even if their team already is maxed out, so end game players still feel the impact of fighting enemies at 2x their own strength.
Though i suppose that isn't truly the problem with PFs.
I can definitely dig the difficulty enemy scaling gives in PFs, but in the end the problem always seems to come down to BB3s.
At high streaks lot's of abilities can be dangerous, if the enemy is able to throw you, use command grabs or Blockbusters that can break guard.
But all of these usually have some way to defend against them.
If i lose due to missing a block or getting thrown by an enemy and i lose my streak? Sucks but that's totally on me and i should work on getting better so that doesn't happen.
But with BB3s it can be a literal roadblock, where you can perfectly block and punish each attack of your enemy, only for them to charge up their BB3 before you can kill them and it's game over.
There's not much to do in terms of gitting gud, it's a literal road block until scaling stops being a problem once you reach endgame and fighter stats are normalized, so BB3s are actually survivable. For MOST players (aka everyone not maxxed out) BB3s are simply a huge hurdle by design, which they don't seem to be to End game players.
And that's where all the complaining about PFs is coming from (i think anyway), simply because at some point you simply cannot win at high streaks.
I agree players probably shouldn't be able to keep up streaks indefinitely so easily, i think the devs said as much, that that is by design.
However personally i'd rather get outplayed by the AI in some way than just getting a Game Over due to stats.
What would you say if fighters of maxed out teams would be scaled up to the 2x FS other players have to deal with?
I wonder if top players would feel that to be balanced.
(sorry if this reply sounds kinda passive-aggressive - not my intention!)