• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: Skullgirls Mobile Community Tier List! (2.7.2 UPDATE)


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
07/29/2019 UPDATE: Tier list has been updated to reflect version 3.2.

You're brand new to the game, you're just starting out, and you find a brand spanking new variant in your most recent Premiere Relic opening.

Wow! You just can't believe it! You found Beowulf - Cold Stones!

Is that... Good? Bad? Do you invest in this character? Do you use them on offense or defense? All super valid questions, with (previously) hard to find answers!


We privately asked a few senior community members who have been with us for a very long time for their rankings on each variant in the game. We then averaged the scores assigned to each character, and produced a COMMUNITY TIER LIST.

Things to keep in mind:
  • This tier list was made with "high streak" Prize Fight matches in mind.
  • This is an average of 5 senior community member opinions. It doesn't represent the thoughts of a single one of them individually, and this tier list was not influenced by anyone at Hidden Variable.
  • This is only meant to serve as a loose guide for players who are just starting out, who want a very quick starting point for understanding a Variants worth. Punch "Skullgirls Mobile" into Google, and note that the most searched result is "Skullgirls Mobile Tier List" - this is for those people!
We recommend viewing both of these images at full resolution. To do that, just click on either of them.

Now that we have the disclaimers out of the way... here they are!









Disagree with these placements? Have other thoughts? Let us know down below!
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Bio Squigly keeping it real as the only variant as SS tier in both Defense and Attack. something something protec attac.

Peacock on the other hand is keeping it extra real with both her bronzes being garbage all year round. (with Sheltered Parasoul and Nunsense Double keeping her company)

List looks pretty solid to me! I also love how it's laid out. Really easy to read!
Bio Squigly keeping it real as the only variant as SS tier in both Defense and Attack. something something protec attac.

Peacock on the other hand is keeping it extra real with both her bronzes being garbage all year round. (with Sheltered Parasoul and Nunsense Double keeping her company)

List looks pretty solid to me! I also love how it's laid out. Really easy to read!

I always thought Bio was a bum on defense just cause she'll end up killing your teammates with SA2. Plus it's easy to keep away from her long enough to avoid the worst of SA1. Unless you're Big Band or Beowulf.
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I don't *know* that Bad Hair Day deserves a spot on the SS list, simply because Bronze fighters will always have a deficit on final HP and Atk values compared to Gold fighters. Her bleed mojo is definitely a treat to use, and her marquee ability is the very definition of synergy, but SS? That feels overly generous. I could agree with S, but not on par with Bloodbath or Harlequin.
I don't *know* that Bad Hair Day deserves a spot on the SS list, simply because Bronze fighters will always have a deficit on final HP and Atk values compared to Gold fighters. Her bleed mojo is definitely a treat to use, and her marquee ability is the very definition of synergy, but SS? That feels overly generous. I could agree with S, but not on par with Bloodbath or Harlequin.

That's true. I guess they brought into consideration that as a bronze, she needs much fewer coins and points, that's a pretty big factor considering this list was allegedly 'made for beginners'.

I personally don't get how Underdog gets a S in defense, he might work in bronze pf, but I could never imagine him being in the same tier as Brainfreeze, Bloodbath and Untouchable.

All in all though, I really like this layout. Very instinctive.
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Pea Shooter only A? Honestly, she arguably has the highest consistent damage output of the Peacocks. Pair her up with a fighter that boosts special attack proficiency(ex:Harlequin), and she can do insane amount of damage.

Then again, she is the DEFINITION of a glass cannon...
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That's true. I guess they brought into consideration that as a bronze, she needs much fewer coins and points, that's a pretty big factor considering this list was allegedly 'made for beginners'.
Nope. Personally I just know that she wins the most match-ups of almost any other variant in the entire game right now. Hard to deal with an easy 5 perma bleed etc. The only thing that she doesn't melt are direct counters. She really is that strong. And all 5 people seemed to agree, (or at least 4, with how averages work.)
I always thought Bio was a bum on defense just cause she'll end up killing your teammates with SA2. Plus it's easy to keep away from her long enough to avoid the worst of SA1. Unless you're Big Band or Beowulf.
Not in high streaks. In high streaks (which is where this is targeting) her healing can easily outpace your DPS while bleeding you, just for existing, while you're hitting her. It is near unbeatable without specific builds to counter it.
Bio Squigly keeping it real as the only variant as SS tier in both Defense and Attack. something something protec attac.

Peacock on the other hand is keeping it extra real with both her bronzes being garbage all year round. (with Sheltered Parasoul and Nunsense Double keeping her company)

List looks pretty solid to me! I also love how it's laid out. Really easy to read!
When i started out i thought Sketchy Peacock was so good lol
"Damn i get faster Blockbusters and the enemy less?? Sound great!" :'D
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Bio Squigly keeping it real as the only variant as SS tier in both Defense and Attack. something something protec attac.

She's easily the best fighter in the game rn. 'Heavy Bleed' that heals for the same amount, crazy combo potential, and can even inflict Curse and Wither, 2 of the strongest (if not the strongest) debuffs there are.
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A little confused to see Rainbow Blight and Xeno on the same lvl as someone like Brain Freeze for higher-end streaks. When provided with the chaos MA, both of them have some of the best options, even to their own counter MUs.

Putting them on the same tier as Doublicious is odd since she lacks the later streak "punch" that Xeno and Rainbow can provide and more heavily relies on the Chaos MA to punch through later streaks than the other two.
It's the first time I ever see Twisted mettle above B rank. I'm so happy about this!
Tier-list is excellent in my opinion, but seeing BadHairDay in SS was an actual surprise despite the fact I knew how strong and dangerous she is.
Anyway, nice job!
Why is Bloodbath higher in attack than Cheese Intervention?
And why is JI higher in defense than Bloodbath? I mean personally any Val with ICU is more annoying than him.
Why is Bloodbath higher in attack than Cheese Intervention?
Once you hit 25+ streaks it starts getting harder to win with Diva. Eventually her low ATK just starts getting outpaced by the enemy HP buffs. Before the "timer no longer freezes during BB animations" changes you could timerscam your way to victory. Not anymore though!

Bloodbath never stops being good because she constantly drops bleed on everyone (and for bonuses, she does it while topping up her own HP). Doesn't matter how much HP or defense they have - if you play smart with Bloodbath the enemy is gonna die.
An odd obsession of mine, but I'm glad to see Heavy Reign as an A on offense. Some people put her a lot lower, but being able to pull out multiple BB3's per match is pretty powerful in the Silver and Bronze tiers, and she certainly got me through a few of the harder challenges in Story mode.
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@Liam Decrypted and Intervention, they are in SS I have been using them since the application was launched in Line and they have always been exceptional, I highly recommend them two in a combat with modifiers besides the fact that in Prize Fights they help you.

@Liam Decrypted and Intervention, they are in SS I have been using them since the application was launched in Line and they have always been exceptional, I highly recommend them two in a combat with modifiers besides the fact that in Prize Fights they help you.
At level 50 Decrypted helps against all opponents with positive modifiers of the opponent makes the fight faster and is a good defense with the help of Sekhmet

At level 50 Decrypted helps against all opponents with positive modifiers of the opponent makes the fight faster and is a good defense with the help of Sekhmet
And Eliza Intervention, is good against opponents that increase your meter quickly, in addition to allowing you to heal
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@Liam Decrypted and Intervention, they are in SS I have been using them since the application was launched in Line and they have always been exceptional, I highly recommend them two in a combat with modifiers besides the fact that in Prize Fights they help you.

At level 50 Decrypted helps against all opponents with positive modifiers of the opponent makes the fight faster and is a good defense with the help of Sekhmet

And Eliza Intervention is good against opponents that increase your meter quickly, in addition to allowing you to heal
Cellsai has already said that Diva Intervention is not that good at +25 streak, because her damage is not enough to kill such tough opponents. And Decrypted is also not THAT good. She totally doesn't deserve an SS rank. I love Twisted mettle because she makes opponent bleed (5 stacks for 3 seconds) after EVERY COMBO. Still, she's totally doesn't worth even SS rank.
Calling it now: Meow & Furever Ms. Fortune (Gold) will be SS Defender.

To echo what Cellsai mentioned, it is interesting that there are fighters that share the notorious distinction of being bottom rung in both Defense and Offense.

  • Rerun Peacock (bronze)
  • Sketchy Peacock (bronze)
  • Sheltered Parasoul (bronze)
  • Hair Apparent Filia (silver)
  • Nunsense Double (bronze)
Perhaps a buff/rework should be in the future for these unfortunate five?

On the opposite end of the spectrum, only one fighter is the best of the best:

  • Bio-Exorcist Squigly (gold)
But most interesting to me are the three variants that are extremely one-sided. Being the best and the worst, simultaneously.
  • SS ATK / C DEF Bad Hair Day Filia (bronze)
  • SS DEF / C ATK Dread Locks Filia (gold)
  • SS DEF / C ATK Resonant Evil Big Band (silver)
Calling it now: Meow & Furever Ms. Fortune (Gold) will be SS Defender.
Nah, her final stand renews after each threshold passed and lasts for a pretty long time, so effectively it only works once - when her HP reaches zero. At which point there's enough counters out there, not to mention she'll most likely tag out herself if she can. She's definitely not as bad as AF.