• [2018/06/22]
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  1. I

    Characters missing characters

    my 5 golden valentines and 3 essences disappeared, they disappeared when trying to diamond valentine's death for joy, wrote in support, will they be able to return my valentine golds and essences?
  2. Guturax

    Bug - Normal Problems with the calendar

    Hi I have a little problem with English, but I hope I can convey the essence of the problem.The fact is that when you press the calendar button, the game does not react to it for a while, but then opens the calendar several times and gives rewards as many times as you pressed the calendar...
  3. E

    Bug - Normal Bewolf's THROW problem with Hype mode on

    Hello, The Beowulf's hype mode is giving trouble when THROW, opponents are breaking it with hype mode active sometimes; It's not always, but it happens a lot.
  4. K

    6/10 gold persons, but...

  5. E

    Other Bug

    There's a bug where the ads don't give you your reward at all
  6. G

    Bug - Normal it says i need a diamond but i already have obe

    i got a diamond(beast king) and the game achievements says i still need one
  7. Other bug

    我买了10+1 Annie's Relic Box Accidentally quit the game and went back to the tour guide card box and all the boxes disappeared
  8. 8

    Bug - Normal Evolve Bug

    I just tried to evolve a character. After evolving it stayed silver. I thought I messed up and tried evolving the same character. But it stayed silver after the evolve animation and removing the characters from my roster. Had this happened to anyone else. Apple iPhone 11 Big Band: Beat Box
  9. M

    Bug - Normal Falla en el arbol de habilidades de umbrella

    e encontrado un bug con el arbol de habilidades de umbrella en ese estado me a funcionado como si tubiera el combo malabarista al maximo pude lograr el combo de 25 golpes en ese estado
  10. S

    Bug - Normal Visual error

    While plaing versus mode due to bad internet connection game frizzed for second and opponents Filia transformed into this mess. This is first time I encountered this kind of thing so I think this is more of internet issue than a bug.
  11. CraziestFapsEver

    Bug - Normal Silver to gold transition error

    I combine 3 silver Peacocks and one bronze replic peacock to get a Gold Replic Peacock, but it just sent me my old silver Peacock and now I don't have my gold peacock and my silvers peacocks neither. User Name: CraziestFapsEver (Do not ask why) ID: 034g-8hbv8
  12. Ajax Medici

    Bug - Normal Bug

    I buy a two understudy cerebella on cabinet of curiosities with tributes, But when I do not go out but if I charge a window that comes out when I buy it after I got it and gave it again and gave me normal like the other, then when I go to my collection I appear 3 new cerebellas, I say it because...
  13. Z

    Bug - Normal A Big problem with rift battles

    I was playing rift battles because I need a diamond key I found in store, In the ultimate fight the game didn't load and I lost for no reason, I'm so done about this, I would want a refund for the things I lost for that bug
  14. W

    Bug - Normal Bug in My skill tree

    Hi, i'm leave the Game for few months and when i come back my skill tree have a error, see the picture please. Sry for the Bad English. My ID si: Wartolomeo
  15. S

    Bug - Crash iphone black screen with sound

    When entering the game, only the music is heard. I have 16gb iphone 6s and before the update it opened the game perfectly😅😅😅😅😅
  16. C

    Bug - Normal Prize fight win streak broken after connection failure BEFORE entering fight

    This would be pretty hard to prove that it happened in the order I'm stating, so essentially I'm putting it here in case anyone else also happens to have this problem. My fight didn't manage to connect as I was loading the fight for the first time. I've had it happen before, commonly, in the...
  17. tokki_mekka

    Bug - Normal Strange music when BGM is off

    Hello everybody! Recently (today) I discovered a strange glitch inside the game. While in the main menu, in addition to the main theme, I was able to hear some kind of melody. Going into the settings and first turning off the background music, she still continued to play (even after leaving the...
  18. Sacreblu

    Bug - Normal Cerebella Basic Daily Event Bug(?)

    Picture should show what I'm talking about: Higher level Cerebellas being placed before the lower level ones. The same goes for all other difficulties in the daily event. Question mark's there because I haven't played a Cerebella's daily event in a while, so I'm not sure if this is intentional.
  19. Anthonylucarele

    Fights Bug no tutorial

    ta acontecendo um bug no tutorial eu clico mais não bate tipo não ta reconhecendo o clique na primeira conversa do jogo eu consigo passa normal o ploblema ta no tutorial parece que o personagem não que lutar