• [2018/06/22]
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prize fight

  1. M

    Character Prize Fight Order

    Does anyone know the order of each character specific prize fight and how long each prize fight lasts for
  2. Gamma Ray

    Double Trouble - Beginner Tricks and Tips for Double

    I hope everyone has been enjoying the game as of late. One of the things I have failed to do in quite some time is provide readable content for players to utilize. In this case, I wish to help players by focusing on some beginning notes for my favorite character in the game, Double. Here we...
  3. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Prize Fight defense not showing opponent names

    iPhone 8 iOS 12.3.1 Game version 3.3.0 Was claiming defense points for the “High Wire Hijinks” PF, and noticed for each tier that there were battles that did not record the opponent names, fighters, or even my own fighters. Doesn’t appear to be a case of cheating since on of the battles ended...
  4. bestsuperblox65

    Resolved Relic/Prize Fight order?

    What is the order of the Relics in the store? I'm desperate for Ms. Fortunes and wondering if I should even wait for the cat's relics.
  5. S

    BB3 Activation on Tag-In (Via Death)

    For a bit of backstory, I was in a pretty high streak Prize Fight against most likely maxed out fighters. The Diamond Poltergeist Squiggly I'm fighting traps me with the Inferno of Leviathan BB2, and Battle Opera BB1 forcing to block. She grabs, I break out, but can't do anything to prevent...
  6. Prof. Rokferbranes

    Fights Prize Fight Error

    So I was in a fight in the “Shot in the Dark” Prize Fight. Lost the battle, and this message pops up about an error in connection or something (didn’t get a snapshot, unfortunately, but I think it may have been an Error: -1 if my memory serves me right). I noticed two other things after backing...
  7. K

    Prize fight order

    Does anyone know the prize fight order or pattern cause im really eager to get an eliza so i can diamond my bb
  8. B

    Bug - Normal Prize fight streak theonite error

    Hello, I am a relatively new member to the forums, and I have been playing the big band prize fight. I have lost my prize fight streak and bought the streak back with 40 theonite and fought someone and I won. However, it appears that I have lost and my streak ended again. Does this error happen...
  9. Keedledum

    How many points you need to get a gold fighter during the prize fights?

    About 7 millions used to be enough, but last Squigly’s prize fight I got 12 millions and and still got the silver one. Also, I got 8 millions during the last Valentine’s prize fight and still nothing. I am concerned
  10. Luke

    guide on team scequence [prize fight and rift battle]

    I have had a lot of difficulties telling who is the first defense fighter when building my own defense teams. I have also seen a great number of trams in PF putting surgeon general valentine first witch is clear not as intended. so here is all the sequence in game. pf sequence according to this...
  11. That nub

    Other PF battle log improvement

    So the pf defense log thing is good and the devs are going to add it to the rift. But i think we need more info on the log So im thinking about an advanced log. Keep the design as is but add more info like in "The last stand: Dead zone" : In that game logs are presented in time which any...
  12. V

    The Prize Fights of Ms Fortune are Impossible

    It's practically impossible solo carry the game with one fighter, I got stunned constantly and I don't know what to do Should I sacrifice one of my fighters to POSSIBLY stun the enemy? Or should I Receive several hits to Gain stacks of precision? I feel this prize fight punish you for fight...
  13. TonyPartridge30

    Halloween PF

    Fun modifier, for sure. Who's been treated by it? Who's been tricked? ;) Serious question though: what do you think the minimum for top 100 will be? It's been forever since I even made a top 250 in Medici Pit Fight; I doubt top 100 here is feasible for poor me, especially with all the...
  14. Manowar

    High Score Thread

    Post your highest single PF score. Genuinely curious to see some of these scores as I've run into some of your monster teams.
  15. tonga

    Fights "A Shot In The Dark" prize fight event is a BIT unfair

    Well... First of all hello everyone i'm here to sugest a little change in the prize fight event... this event needs to get a revision... the conditions of the fights with dark type chars it's almost impossible to counter "5s doom when the haste is over" really? 5s to counter attack the AI...
  16. TehSterBarn1

    Bug - Normal Didn't receive my Prize Fight rewards

    In the Fillia Bronze PF, I earned points due to someone fighting my team. I just so happens that those points put me at the exact threshold for the final milestone reward. However, I did not receive any reward, and when I did another fight to try and fix it, nothing happened. I would present a...
  17. Diony

    Top 1-10% Silver Question - September 2018

    How many points should I have to be in the Top 1-10% on Silver? And Top 10?
  18. cappatacus

    Is Bio Exorcist Even Good?

    I don't have one myself, but in my pf experiences, I'm excited to see her on a defense team. Her drain isn't terrible, but it's never seemed to make the difference between a win or loss. What really seems to kill her usefulness to me is the second part of her SA, where she drains hp from her...
  19. BallotBoxer

    Bug - Normal High Tide Prize Fight Permafrost + Robocopy = Unkillable Big Band

    In short: Bug: Robocopy Big Band got permanent level 5 armor in the new Elemental Prize Fight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Details: I've enjoyed dozens of matches in the fun new Prize Fight High Tide... until one match where the Permafrost reacted strangely with Robocopy Big...
  20. Whirli-Pain

    Other Push Notifications...

    Has push notifications for prize fights ever been considered? It seems what PF is next seems to be a common question. It also is an easy way to bring players back to the game. :angel: