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Custom Fighter thread (Temporary Posts)

Henry and Terriermon from Digimon
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-When a combo ends inflict 1 random debuff for every 20/15/10 combo hits. Debuff(s) duration is decided by the combo counter.

-While Cerebella is alive, all teammates special moves grant 1 stack of regen or enrage for 10/12/15 seconds
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"There are no Heroes or Villains. There's just what I want, and how I'll get it."
SA: Mutant Magnet
SA1: Inflict IMMOBILIZE and CRIPPLE for 5/10/15 seconds on DASHING opponents.
SA2: While opponent is suffering from IMMOBILIZE, Drain 5/10/15% BLOCKBUSTER METER. BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15% chance to TRANFER 1 BUFF while the opponent is suffering from CRIPPLE.
References: Filia skin from 2nd Encore: Magneto Skin.
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"My destiny keeps on going!"
SA: Noble Justice
SA1: When TAGGING IN, deal damage equal to 10/15/20% of your current HEALTH and Inflict 3 Random DEBUFFS on self (Excluding DOOM)
SA2: When using a BLOCKBUSTER, remove all active BUFFS and DEBUFFS from both fighters. Each DEBUFF removed permanently increases DAMAGE by 5/6/7%

Reference: Destiny HERO - Dystopia
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BritPOP colors!!


Noel Gallagher from Oasis (at Knebworth 1996)


Liam Gallagher from Oasis (at Knebworth 1996)


Damon Albarn from Blur (Girls and Boys)
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I'll post some of my favorite color schemes I've created in the past!


reference: Fei Rune (フェイ・ルーン) and Clark von Wunderbar / Wonderbot (クラーク・ワンダバット / ワンダバ) from Inazuma Eleven GO (イナズマイレブンGO)


reference: Fei Rune (フェイ・ルーン) and Caballero Ultraveloz Robin (光速闘士ロビン) from Inazuma Eleven GO (イナズマイレブンGO)


reference: Xene / Xavier Foster ( グラン / 基山ヒロト) and Nero / Nelson Rockwell (ネロ / 根室君之) from Inazuma Eleven (イナズマイレブン)


reference: Bellatrix / Isabelle Trick (ウルビダ / 八神玲名) and Kiwill / Katie Brown (クィール / 久井ルル) from Inazuma Eleven (イナズマイレブン)


reference: Princess Kenny and Paladin Butters from South Park
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