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Custom Fighter thread (Temporary Posts)

Henry and Terriermon from Digimon
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-When a combo ends inflict 1 random debuff for every 20/15/10 combo hits. Duration of the debuff(s) is decided by the combo counter.

-While Cerebella is alive, all teammates' special moves grant 1 stack of regen or enrage for 10/12/15 seconds
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"There are no Heroes or Villains. There's just what I want, and how I'll get it."
SA: Mutant Magnet
SA1: Inflict IMMOBILIZE and CRIPPLE for 5/10/15 seconds on DASHING opponents.
SA2: While opponent is suffering from IMMOBILIZE, Drain 5/10/15% BLOCKBUSTER METER. BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15% chance to TRANFER 1 BUFF while the opponent is suffering from CRIPPLE.
References: Filia skin from 2nd Encore: Magneto Skin.
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"My destiny keeps on going!"
SA: Noble Justice
SA1: When TAGGING IN, deal damage equal to 10/15/20% of your current HEALTH and Inflict 3 Random DEBUFFS on self (Excluding DOOM)
SA2: When using a BLOCKBUSTER, remove all active BUFFS and DEBUFFS from both fighters. Each DEBUFF removed permanently increases DAMAGE by 5/6/7%

Reference: Destiny HERO - Dystopia
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BritPOP colors!!


Noel Gallagher from Oasis (at Knebworth 1996)


Liam Gallagher from Oasis (at Knebworth 1996)


Damon Albarn from Blur (Girls and Boys)
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Another Valentine’s Day themed variant!

“It’s all my handmade! Now eat it♪”

Ref - My original
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I'll post some of my favorite color schemes I've created in the past!


reference: Fei Rune (フェイ・ルーン) and Clark von Wunderbar / Wonderbot (クラーク・ワンダバット / ワンダバ) from Inazuma Eleven GO (イナズマイレブンGO)


reference: Fei Rune (フェイ・ルーン) and Caballero Ultraveloz Robin (光速闘士ロビン) from Inazuma Eleven GO (イナズマイレブンGO)


reference: Xene / Xavier Foster ( グラン / 基山ヒロト) and Nero / Nelson Rockwell (ネロ / 根室君之) from Inazuma Eleven (イナズマイレブン)


reference: Bellatrix / Isabelle Trick (ウルビダ / 八神玲名) and Kiwill / Katie Brown (クィール / 久井ルル) from Inazuma Eleven (イナズマイレブン)


reference: Princess Kenny and Paladin Butters from South Park
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Here’s a collection of all Valentine’s Day variants l’ve made!🍫 (There’s 3 Annie! )
Which is your favorite?
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SA: Chi Strikes
SA1: Gain PRECISION, ENRAGE, or ARMOR every 25/15/10 COMBO HITS. These BUFFS are removed when Beowulf is KNOCKED DOWN.
SA2: When entering HYPE MODE when obtaining all of the above BUFFS, THROWS have a 50/75/100% chance to reset SPECIAL MOVE COOLDOWN and increase BLOCKBUSTER METER by 50%.

Reference: Iron Fist from Marvel RivalsScreenshot 2025-02-15 8.46.41 AM.png
Marinette + Tikki & Ladybug from Miracuous season 6
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‘’I’m just a normal girl with a normal life”
SA: Lucky Charm!
-After facing the same opponent for 20/15/10 seconds, Cerebella transforms, gains 3 stacks of enrage and 1 random buff for 15 seconds, and inflict 1 random debuff. Cerebella detransforms and buffs are removed if the opponent tags out or is defeated
-All teammates heal by 15% health and gain 25% blockbuster meter when Cerebella defeats an opponent using a blockbuster or while benefitting from at least 3 buffs
VFX: Ladybug effects as in the show when using a blockbuster or defeating an opponent
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"All Right! Get your Game On!"
SA: Miracle Fusion
SA1: When TAGGING IN, gain a BUFF for 10/15/20 seconds per teammate. The BUFF gained is determined by each teammate's ELEMENT
SA2: 5/10/15% chance on HIT to reset the timers on all Filia's BUFFS.
Buff determination:

Reference: Jaden Yuki from Yugioh GX
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"To defeat the Darkness, I must BECOME the Darkness."
SA: Super Polymerization
SA1: Gain MIASMA when opponent's HEALTH drops below 65/75/85%. MIASMA is removed when Fukua is KNOCKED DOWN
SA2: TIER 2 and 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 50/75/100% chance to TRANSFER all opponent's BUFFS to self while benefitting from MIASMA.

Reference: Supreme King from Yugioh GX

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"Victory is beautiful... and so am I."
SA: Crossup Claw
SA1: Once per match when RELOADING with no SHOTS remaining, gain 6 BUCKSHOTS. BUCKSHOTS inflict BLEED for 10/15/20 seconds and become UNBLOCKABLE when opponent is close to a Wall.
SA2: 50/75/100% Chance to reset the timers on all active BUFFS and DEBUFFS (Except STUN and DOOM) and gain ENRAGE and suffer GUARD BREAK for 10 seconds each when the opponent BOUNCES off a Wall.

Reference: Vega from Street Fighter
feel free to leave a better name suggestion for variant down below!
Cerebella as Sonata from Lethal League + Lethal League Blaze
"Beat and broken"
SA: Break it down
1: 50/75/100% chance to transfer 1 buff from the opponent and refresh all buff timers when the opponent BOUNCES off of a wall.
2: For every 59 seconds elapsed gain DEADEYE for 15 seconds and permanently increase PROJECTILE damage by 100/200/300% (DaF nuke)

Diamond effect: Sound waves pulse under variant when SA2 activates, and next BB used will turn background black and reverse colors on palette

Dropping some of my more popular palettes. Ill post on the discord in two day when I can use images.

Pink Panther/Saitama/Powerpuff Girls.

I have a good amount more, just not ready to throw everything down until someone sees I guess


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"Look too hard for one thing, and you miss everything else."
SA: Darkness Aura
SA1: When facing a Light opponent, STAR POWER accumulates 25/50/65% faster
SA2: When activating STAR POWER at full meter, Gain Permanent HASTE and 1/2/3 Stacks of ENRAGE and inflict Permanent QUIETUS and DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS. All effects are removed when exiting STAR POWER.

Reference: Dark Mode Riku (Sword is Soul Eater and Sagan is Sora) from Kingdom Hearts
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Thought I'd Redo this one from last thread. Let me know what you think!