• [2018/06/22]
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2018
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We don't have an updated move tier list, but I never liked the move tier list since it doesn't explain what the moves do and they're awkward to compare. So instead, I made a list of staple moves, or moves that you would want to have around. They're not necessarily the best moves in all cases, just moves you'll likely find yourself using at one point or another.

Outtake: a universal way to remove buffs from opponent, if they have living teammates. Can also remove corpses from the field

Destruction Pillar: Big damage
Sagan Beam: Heal and decent damage for BB1
Re-Entry: Combos and potential enrage
Photo Bop: debuff passingthat starts a combo. It's a bb3 but guaranteed debuff passing is extremely rare, I think unique to her

Aroo Ready: Hype stack and haste, two very good things
Wulf Shoot: Unblockable hype mode stack, okay damage, insane damage in hype mode
Airwulf: Armor break, very powerful
Lupine Pummel: Another high damage BB, but mostly used for damage
3 moon: His only meter control

Cymbal Clash: Stuns and combos even without stun
Super Sonic Jazz: Stun and damage
Beat Extend: Also big damage

Early thoughts, these may change later
Onslaught: as a starter, potential punish option, and attacking option to proc Deadeye
Taunt: Just very easy and consistent Deadeye

Battle Butt: Armor Break
Merry Go Rilla: Command Grab that can loop
Diamonds Are Forever: Massive Damage, but beware at point blank there's a first hit that can activate effects such as TAF's evade
Diamond Drop: BB1, Unblockable grab, can be followed by DaF. Regen isn't bad for keeping points in rift either.

Cilia Slide: Combo starter that can clear gaps
Bogus Buzzard: Heal block and good damage, combo extends off Cilia
Flesh Step: The ultimate most godlike move in the game, even the game can't comprehend it's power
Bandwagon Rushdown: Semi-reliable hex source

Chaos Banish: 100% Buff clearing, and can heal block in a pinch
Upper Kaht: Stun that can double juggle in the corner in case the stun fails
Sekmet's Bite: Curse and Armor Break are both very powerful, despite a max of 50% chance. Also the highest DPS Sekmet activator. Can be replaced with Burst for 100% activation rate when you're not taking moves to 15.
Weight of Anubis: command grab that puts oppos in the air, countering stuff like unflincing and autoblock, no dmg but eliza can use her whole moveset after.
Sekmet Fury (arguable): 2 hit bb1 with a 50% chance (lvl 15) for each hit to gain enrage and haste. 75% chance at a haste proc and 1 if not 2 stacks of enrage. at 9 it's about a 60% chance for either hit to proc, which is still better than average.

(Her moves were just updated so this is going to be volatile for awhile, but these are safe picks)
Ringlet Spike: This move was balanced around not being able to combo. They forgot to keep it like that. They really blundered and now you'll see people run this move with bad stats cause the damage is so good.
Drill Tempered: Extremely high chance to buff clear from level 9 on, totalling 91% at 15 if you land all hits
Widow's Peak: This could very much change if optimal combos are found, but it's a high chance at armor break which is very relevant
Blowout: Filia's only meter control, and a bb3 you can combo off of near the corner

Breakdown: Miasma and heals, very nice
Lobs: Can be used to bypass blocks, drains meter slightly
Snuggle: High damage BB, bypass block
Twice Shy: Highest damage scaling BB3 so far, also heals you and deals even more damage if the opponent has high HP. Can also be combo'd off in the corner.
Drill of my Dreams (bb1): possibly the hardest hitting bb1 of the game thanks to the way combo scaling works, especially when used in air. Can even be used as part of a combo.
Drillationship: A special that can inflict armor break + death mark which gets a proc rate you get to decide/invest in; combos into most things/ can be cancelled into a bb in corner and does a perfect setup for lobs if not in the corner, is worth the mention

Honorable mention: Best Friends Forever is her only buff/debuff clense, and the effect is amazing, but even at level 15 it's a lower chance than a coin flip to proc. If you're forced to use Fukua and need it that's your option, but try to just use someone else if you need those things

Fiber Upper: Armor Break that can combo into El Gato or Feral Edge
El Gato: extremely high damage SM, with a decent stun chance that can be increased with stats
Cat scratch fever: High damage BB1 that combo breaks
Omnomnom (if you can headless): a heal that restands and gives you a moderate heal.

Pinion Dash: High damage single hit special, all good qualities for rifts
Buer Overdrive: Meter control
Death Crawl: BB1, easy bleeds, leaves the opponent in perfect position to perform Unblockable Charge Attack reset.
Gae Bolga Stinger: allows linking one L5 into another L5 midscreen on 2/3 characters (except Cerebella, Ms. Forture, FIlia, Fukua, Valentine), IIRC, works on everyone in the corner (not sure about Bella).

Just slap 5 moves on her they're all busted
Egret Call: Easy Precision at the speed of a cancel. Honestly breaks her
Baillement: Immunity is also extremely meta
Canopy Bounce: very high damage BB1 (but can't crit) and removes buffs at a high rate
Moto Brigate: Decent damage, can stun, can be combo'd from canopy bounce

Hi Hi Birdie: Another immunity taunt
Impending Doom: Can link into another L5, can stun, decent damage
Bandwagon: Use this for Pea Master to keep corpses behind you. It's also emergency buff clearing but it doesn't help most of Pea's gameplan, so it's mostly used for pea master

Theonite Beam: Most meta offense robos just spam this with SM reduction
Phaser Burn: Helps the theo beam plan, but can also buff clear
Catastrophe Cannon Omega: Stops ressurections, relevant against many fighters and rift modifiers
Catastrophe Cannon Alpha: BB1, applies Wither, easy-to-connect meter control.
Circuit Breaker: Meter control BB2 if you can't get CCA for any reason. It can also extend combos, and even boost CCA's damage

Drag N Bite: Combo extender, damage, buff clear
Silver Chord: See above but buff transfer at a lower rate
Draugen Punch: Curse to prevent buffs in the first place, but harder to combo off of than the other two
Either battle opera or Inferna: You can do both as well, but you want one of these to stop meter gain since you hit them so much

Countervenom: High damage BB1
second Countervenom: Another high damage BB1
a third countervenom: You guessed it, more damage
Forbidden Procedure: Safe resurrection in case you somehow didn't do enough damage

Bubblin Bubble: good single hit dmg, combos into anything in corner (itself too), easy slime proc and creates puddles on (blocked) hits
Tongue Twist bb2: command grab, good dmg, leech bb2. insane range, wallbounce so can always combo after, 100% slime proc
BB3: Permakill and heal is nice, although this won't be needed on every fight. Also not sure if the permakill requires the first hit

Let me know if I had forgotten any moves or if there's anything that needs editing and I'll adjust it if enough people agree or if I agree with whoever says it.
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Diamond Drop: BB1, Unblockable grab, can be followed by DaF.


Death Crawl: BB1, easy bleeds, leaves the opponent in perfect position to perform Unblockable Charge Attack reset.
Gae Bolga Stinger: allows linking one L5 into another L5 midscreen on 2/3 characters (except Cerebella, Ms. Forture, FIlia, Fukua, Valentine), IIRC, works on everyone in the corner (not sure about Bella).


Catastrophe Cannon Alpha: BB1, applies Wither, easy-to-connect meter control.


Vial Hazard: Type C: allows linking one L5 into another L5 midscreen or in the corner on any character, moderate chance of Stunning the opponent.

Diamond Drop: BB1, Unblockable grab, can be followed by DaF.


Death Crawl: BB1, easy bleeds, leaves the opponent in perfect position to perform Unblockable Charge Attack reset.
Gae Bolga Stinger: allows linking one L5 into another L5 midscreen on 2/3 characters (except Cerebella, Ms. Forture, FIlia, Fukua, Valentine), IIRC, works on everyone in the corner (not sure about Bella).


Catastrophe Cannon Alpha: BB1, applies Wither, easy-to-connect meter control.


Vial Hazard: Type C: allows linking one L5 into another L5 midscreen or in the corner on any character, moderate chance of Stunning the opponent.
Added most of these except Vial Hazard C. Reason is the stun isn't a high chance (caps at 50% at 15), when the stun does proc it doesn't open up many routes except an extra dash or two before an L5, it requires taking a moment to set up, and it has awful damage at a measly 42% with an extra 3.5% per boost. I think that's the lowest any SM that does damage does, and it's massively under par. Most her other moves go better in that slot imo.

I also added Circuit Breaker to robo, since it can buff quite a lot of her moves, can also meter control in case you somehow didn't get CCA, and it can extend combos while being a decent damaging BB2 overall
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Great idea for a thread, tons of ideas and now I have to rethink some loadouts. Thanks for making me cry I guess.

Some ideas:

How about Vial A? I use it on my Silent Kill for meter control, combo extensions are cool too.
Also on SK I went for EKG Flatliner for her since it's multihit so more chances to remove buffs and it doesn't consume the entire clock like DoA.

Gae Bolga Stinger: for some reason the AI blocks it a lot which, on Neuromancer just gives you a free BB3.
How about Vial A? I use it on my Silent Kill for meter control, combo extensions are cool too.
Also on SK I went for EKG Flatliner for her since it's multihit so more chances to remove buffs and it doesn't consume the entire clock like DoA.
For Vial A, I don't really wanna recommend anything that is reliant on a bug. And it carries the same issues I have with C (requires setup, extremely low DPS compared to other options). If enough people think it should be up I'll add it, but may remove it once the meter drain works properly.

As for EKG flatliner, that's kinda variant specific. Which is fine, but I'd like to keep it as universal as I can and one variant isn't enough imo. I also don't use BB3s on val much. How does everyone else feel on this one? If there's enough support in adding it I will, it's okay damage for a BB3 and great if you add a bleed move (although I really don't know if it's worth replacing Countervenom, it's just so much damage and decent utility for very little meter).

Gae Bolga Stinger: for some reason the AI blocks it a lot which, on Neuromancer just gives you a free BB3.
Gae Bola is currently already up for its combo potential, but I dunno if I wanna add more to mention it's good on Neuromancer. Same realm of trying to keep things universally applicable as possible. But yeah, it's great on her and great in general. I'll think about if we should add specific use cases for already good moves.
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anything for umbrella? most of the lives i usually use don’t do much damage besides Carousel Kick
I'll be honest, I forgot to playtest her and haven't been interested in her. I'll ask around and see what's good utility wise, anyone else here lmk what you use as well!

I can only do that on the Corner
True, I should add that for clarity. Thanks for the reminder!
looks like you want to keep this updated so here is some input:

weight of anubis -> command grab that puts oppos in the air, countering stuff like unflincing and autoblock, no dmg but eliza can use her whole moveset after.

sekmet fury (arguable) -> 3 hit bb1 with a 50% chance (lvl 15) for each hit to gain enrage and haste. basically always a haste proc and 1 if not 2 stacks of enrage

why is french twist there? where is ringlet spike? why is filia just laying there by which her hair shoots out of the ground? why does it do so much dmg, combos into anything (timing required) and does it have a100% bleed proc?

not a particular fan of her Tri bb2, but it seemed reasonable for this list (mostly just insane damage bb2)

bubblin bubble -> good single hit dmg, combos into anything in corner (itself too), easy slime proc and creates puddles on (blocked) hits
tongue twist bb2 -> command grab, good dmg, leech bb2. insane range, wallbounce so can always combo after, 100% slime proc

her bb3 might be mentioned for leech and perm kill, though im not sure if the latter works if the oppo doesnt do from the first hit (and thus not gets eaten)

Drill of my dreams (bb1) -> possibly the hardest hitting bb1 of the game. Can even be used as part of a combo.

Drillationship -> more an imo, but a special that can inflict armor break + death mark(!) which gets a proc rate you get to decide/invest in; combos into most things/ can be cancelled into a bb in corner and does a perfect setup for lobs if not in the corner, is worth the mention

now the proc rate you have to invest in can see as a negative, but with death mark it synergises perfectly.

if only there were more crit fukua variants...
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Yeah I agree with all of this, but the one thing I wanna respond to is
why is french twist there? where is ringlet spike?
I didn't update her post move buff, let alone when we found Ringlet can combo into itself and everything else in the world. That move is criminally good and needs a ton of nerfs, but they haven't nerfed moves in years and I'd rather see more buffs anyhow lol
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