• [2018/06/22]
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Ghoulia Yelps from Monster High
“I am reading an uhhh-mazing book about monster scaritage.”
SA: Spooky Science
-Gain miasma or armour for 15/25/35 seconds when tagging in near a dead body. Also charging WYRM’s Tail has a 10% to grant a random timeless buff and reset the timers of all active buffs.
-Teammates gain 5% health and a random buff oaccording to their element for 10 seconds every 5/4/3 seconds while near Squigly’s tombstone.
Special Effect: New zombie themed intro
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Here’s the new custom variant, Parasoul - Elegance and Strength!

“Since when have I ever struggled this much?”
Reference to : Guess what?
Sig -Two hearts in one move

Sig1 - Every 5 seconds while in your side of the stage, gain Blessing and one other RANDOM BUFF. Random buff lasts 10/12/15 seconds.

Sig2 - When hitting DASH ATTACK, convert all BLESSING into 10/12/15 seconds of opponent’s GUARD BREAK and deal damage equal to 4/5/6% of opponent’s current health per inflicted GUARD BREAK.

I've intentionally hidden the reference because most of you probably know it. Try to guess what the reference is!😉
Cynthia and Garchomp from Pokemon series

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"I need to protect my people more than anything"
Ref: Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)

SA: Hellish Reign

SA1: While on the opponent side of the field 25% chance on hit to gain Enrage and Miasma for 10/15/20 seconds each.

SA2: When benefitting from Enrage, Blockbuster hits have 50% chance to inflict random debuff and grant all allies 3 stacks of Barrier and Blessing . If Fukua is in the team, she gain 75% Blockbuster meter when tagging-in.

"The heck is 'Insurance'?"
Ref: Blitzø from Helluva Boss (i dunno if i messed up on the palette or not lmao XD)

SA: Blunt Force

SA1: When ranged attacks hits 35% chance to inflict one stack of Bleed and Inverse Polarity. If Peacock force enemy to tag-out, Transfer up to 3 of enemy buffs.

SA2: While the opponent suffering from bleed drains 5% of their Blockbuster meters while increasing Peacock's range based moves damage by 25%.