• [2018/06/22]
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I had nothing to do, so I made these 2 palletes


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Based on Mandy from Grim Adventures. If anyone deserves the power of the Skull Heart, it's her.

Featuring Grim as Hilgard, Billy as the rabbit, and Grim's scythe as her vacuum.


SA1: Inflict HEAL BLOCK and QUIETUS for 5/10/15 seconds when hitting an attacking opponent.

SA2: Drain 3% BLOCKBUSTER meter, clear all debuffs on self, and gain ENRAGE every 3/2/1 second(s) while the opponent is suffering from QUIETUS. ENRAGE is removed once QUIETUS expires.
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Had some fun creating this today, Not sure if it's been done before...
Reference: kurosaki ichigo, Bleach

Quote "Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu"

SA Getsuga Tenshou

SA1 Crescent cut deals extra 20% health in damage on hit, gain precision after 15 seconds as active fighter
SA2 Crescent cut becomes un-blockable when annie has precision

by the way the bunny will be a reference to Kon the teddybear.
Getsuga tenshou blue I guess, too much black aint pretty, even thou the bankai getsuga should be black
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Boo! Folks!

It's October 31st and things got scarier. And so got the variants. Check out this new Peacock's air silver variant.


"I'll get all the treats! But don't worry, you can have all the tricks for you. (*Laughs*)"

REF: Peacock as an evil witch


(SA1) When getting out of The Hole Idea, gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.

(SA2) When the opponent gets HIT by a PRECISION PROJECTILE for the first time, it has a 50/75/100% chance of inflicting a random DEBUFF on the opponent and granting a random BUFF to Peacock. The next PRECISION PROJECTILES change their modifiers to another BUFF and DEBUFF respectively


Unfortunately, this one might be the only themed variant I'll make in time for today.
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We urgently need this option! We don't have a Diamond version of Darkness for Parasoul yet!
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The prerequisite for the creation of such abilities was the presence of a fighting toad and the lack of a good defense hero among parasouls.

Initially, the name was just the dark queen, it echoed well with the white queen, but clearly indicated which hero this coloring refers to. Therefore, after thinking carefully, I decided to rename it to dominatrix. That was the name of her leather mistress costume, which implied her domination.


The catchphrase:
"Don't get too cocky!"

Ability name: The Great Revenge.
SA1: When making a cut, he gets steadfastness for 3/5/7 seconds, the enemy gets immobilized for 3/5/7 seconds.
Her main ability was to spin like a tornado, but apart from hooking around the umbrella, parasoul and I had nothing personified with the tornado.

SA2: Once per match, when receiving a fatal blow, it levels the damage from the enemy's last attack and immediately goes into reserve restoring 25/30/35 percent of health. All enemies of the element of light also receive death for 25/20/15 seconds.
The second ability is taken from this phrase:
"What?! I lost! This can't be! I'm the Dark Queen! Wrong is better than light, dark is stronger than light! Grrr! I hate you, Battletoads! I'm outta here!"
And doom is chosen insofar as in the original game players had a limited amount of time to attack the Dark Queen before she teleports again.

Предпосылкой к созданию таких способностей стало наличие боевой жабы отсутствие хорошего героя защиты среди Парасоул.

Изначально название было просто темная королева, оно хорошо перекликалось с белой королевой, но явно указывало на то, к какому герою отсылает эта расцветка. Поэтому хорошенько подумав, я решил переименовать ее в доминатрикс. Так назывался ее кожаный костюм госпожи, что подразумевало ее доминацию.

Коронная фраза:
Не будь так самоуверен!

Название способности: Великая месть.
Способность 1: При совершении подсечки получает непоколебимость на 3/5/7 секунд, враг получает обездвижить на 3/5/7 секунд.
Ее основной способностью было кружиться как торнадо, но кроме подсечки вокруг зонтика у меня с торнадо у парасоул ничего не олицетворялось.

Способность 2: Раз за матч при получении смертельного удара, нивелирует урон от последней атаки врага и немедленно уходит в запас восстанавливая 25/30/35 процентов здоровья. Все враги стихии света также получают гибель на 25/20/15 секунд.
Вторая способность взята из этой фразы:
Что?! Я проиграла! Этого не может быть! Я Темная Королева! Неправильное лучше правильного, тьма сильнее света! Грррр! Я ненавижу вас, Воины! Я ухожу отсюда!
И гибель выбрана постольку, поскольку в оригинальной игре у игроков было ограниченное количество времени, чтобы атаковать Темную Королеву, прежде чем она снова телепортируется.
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"Come on, girls, bring my festive cannon here - today we have a party!!"

"The roaring laughter of shots"
1: Each SHOT gain ENRAGE, each second SHOT gain EVASION, each fifth SHOT gain UNFLINCHING for 9 seconds and REMOVE all ENRAGE.

2: When no AMO Black Dahlia gains FINAL STAND for 15 seconds.
Ref: Pinkie Pie from MLP.


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I'm posting 3! I'll split them up into separate posts so the walls of text are less horrible.

First is a silver Beowulf based on everyone's favorite wrestleman, Strong Bad!
I mean, come on. It's a perfect fit.

Featuring Trogdor as Grendel's arm and the wolf pelt, and Lappy as the Hurting.

Quote: "I am the very strongest. You guys are not very strong."


SA1: While Beowulf is alive, all teammates' TAG INS deal 100% bonus damage and TRANSFER 1/2/3 opponent BUFF(S) on hit.

SA2: While Beowulf has living teammates, 50%/75%/100% of damage that he would take is suffered by the next teammate in line instead.

I wanted Strong Bad to act like he does in canon, teaming up with his goons to cheat their way to victory while not being above throwing them under the bus.

It would be neat if you could only get this card through the mail.

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Why does Peacock still have only 2 diamonds? I'm fixing that.

First, to complement both Marie's Luigi and Big Band's (2nd Encore-exclusive) Wario:
I've heard some people wishing for a Mario skin for her, but she seems more in line with this weirdo.

Quote: "Everybody cheater! Next time, I cheat!"

That cannon is a Bill Blaster and George and Lenny are Bob-ombs. I wanted to make Avery a Piranha Plant, but the palette editor was a bit too limited for that. If only I had literally any artistic talent.

Anyway, her SA is definitely not a targeted counter to everyone I hate fighting.


SA1: Whenever Peacock bounces against a wall or the opponent gains a BUFF, gain 1/2/3 stack(s) of THORNS, AUTO BLOCK, and PRECISION. 1 stack each of THORNS and AUTO BLOCK is removed when using a BLOCKBUSTER.

SA2: CRITICAL HITS (both yours and the opponent's) ignore the opponent's Signature, Marquee, and Prestige Abilities.

She deserves this.

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This last one is the one I'm least confident about visually, but the concept was too good to pass up. It's the Lord of the Rings himself, Sauron!

Quote: "I SEE YOU."

Based off the film trilogy's depiction of Sauron since LOTR isn't a picture book for some reason. I took a couple liberties with the body design since "gray armor" isn't very interesting.

In-game those eyes would be animated fireballs. The hat buttons are golden like some sort of ring or something. Speaking of, here's the SA:


SA1: Gain DEADEYE and inflict HEX for 5/10/15 seconds whenever either fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER.

SA2: Gain ENRAGE for 10/15/20 seconds whenever a DEBUFF on the opponent expires.

I wanted it to feel like Sauron really SEES you tap that BB. The full force of that (dead)eye glaring at you like you're a hobbit with a palantir. I waffled a bit between leaving the DEADEYE timeless and making it disappear after getting hit, but that makes the opponent-uses-BB part a bit less effective. Idk, I'm not a game designer.
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"The Cycle begins again. Let's Go Samson!"
SA: Wicked Weave
SA1: Every 7th COMBO HIT landed on Filia or the opponent grants Filia 1/2/3 Stacks of Permanent ENRAGE and inflicts 1/2/3 Stacks of a random Permanent DEBUFF on the opponent (Besides Doom and Stun)
SA2: Every 30/15/10 seconds while the opponent suffers from a Permanent DEBUFF, inflict 1/2/3 Stacks of BLEED
Reference: If Filia became the Skullgirl after Marie
Late Spooky Season upload cause Artists Block. Hope Autumn Labs makes this
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Valentine but I forgot the reference😅
how did you make this scoreboard like in the game?

I have 3 options:
1) they drew themselves in +-photoshop
2) there is some website where you can download it, as with the creation of cards
3) they added it to the game code, which is strange, because the code of the game itself is not stored on the device, and for such changes a ban should arrive.

Share a secret, I want to make the same scoreboard for the hero
This one was divine inspiration, I think. I doubt anyone will get the reference.
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SA1: Gain ENRAGE, ARMOR, and a random BUFF (except ENRAGE and ARMOR) for 5/10/15 seconds when hitting a dashing opponent.

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