• [2018/06/22]
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Peacock as Pearl from Splatoon 2 and 3 (Originally made 03/19/24)
SA: Killer Wail
1: Projectiles have a 11/22/33% chance to inflict SLIME for 15 seconds, Gain 1 random buff and inflict 1 random debuff (besides STUN and DOOM) for 15 seconds every 10 seconds the opponent has SLIME.
2: Using a BLOCKBUSTER refreshes all opponent debuffs duration, gain 30/40/50% CRITICAL DAMAGE when using a blockbuster with 3 buffs
Lenny is Marinas hyperbomb
Since Transformers:One is the current trend, I made Optimus Big Band - Hammer of Justice and Megatron Dahlia - Fusion Overload!

“I'll take you all on!”
Ref - Optimus Prime
Sig - Together and stronger

Sig1 - When using BB, remove opponent BUFF as the same number of living teammates and inflict ARMOR BREAK for 3/4/5 seconds per living teammates.

Sig2 - While opponent is suffering from ARMOR BREAK, critical hits will ignore def and has 25/35/50% chance to inflict BLEED and POWER SURGE for 10 seconds.

“I’m an emperor of destruction”
Ref - Megatron
Sig - All too easy

Sig1 - When getting EMPOWERED, remove all DEBUFF from self and gain ENRAGE, ARMOR and REGEN for 10/15/20 seconds.

Sig2 - When using CHARGE ATTACK while EMPOWERED, remove all BUFF from self and gain 1/2/3% permanent bonus damage per removed BUFF.
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Ms fortune as Carol Tea from Freedom Planet (Palette made today)
"No match for this Kung Fu Kitty!"

Probs too similar to Ms. Trial but ehwhatyougonnado. Ignore the green tongue on the furmidable pose, it uses the same color mesh as her eyes on the website.
I recently uploaded Optimus Big Band and Megatron Dahlia, but speaking of Transformers, I have uploaded Galvatron Dahlia long time ago. So I’ll re-upload it with some updates!

“I’m back from the hell and now become stronger than ever”
Ref - Galvatron
Sig (updated!) - Dark burn
Sig1 - While BLOCKING and not suffering from hit, Gain ENRAGE every 0.5 seconds. ENRAGE will decrease rapidly after not blocking for 0.5/1/1.5 second.

Sig2 - When reaching 5 stack of ENRAGE, it will become permanent and additionally gain IMMUNITY and HASTE for 5/7/10 seconds. ENRAGE will removed after defeating an opponent.
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Screenshot 2024-09-30 2.34.03 PM.png
"I'll become stronger than anyone, no matter what the cost!"
SA: Shinryuken
SA1: When Knocking an opponent into the air, Achieve max HYPE and gain 1/2/3 stacks of Permanent ENRAGE. ENRAGE is removed when Beowulf is KNOCKED DOWN.
SA2: While benefitting from ENRAGE and activating HYPE MODE, Throws inflict HEAVY BLEED and DEATH MARK for 5/10/20 seconds.

Reference: Violent Ken from Street Fighter
Screenshot 2024-09-30 2.28.24 PM.png
Antonov 1.pngAntonov 3.png
Antonov 2.pngAntonov 4.png
ANTONOV - King Of Fighters XV

maxima 1.pngmaxima 2.png
maxima 3.png

MAXIMA - King Of Fighters 99 and later on smh.
kula kof.png
I like this one a lot. This is Kula Diamond from King Of Fighters XV her umbrella is supposed to represent her brother K' if I remember correctly. Correct me if I'm wrong about this it's been a while since I've played KOF.

I was thinking about making Doflamingo on Beowulf but I feel like we have too many beowulf variants, if someone wants to just make it on Eliza I think Doflamingo best fits on Eliza. I could've cleaned it up a bit where those pixels don't show but I really just don't wanna lol.

Got more incoming
Leona (1).pngLeona (2).pngLeona (4).pngLeona (3).png

Orochi Leona 1.pngOrochi Leona 2.png
Orochi Leona 3.pngOrochi Leona 4.png

Leona and Orochi Leona from King Of Fighters 97'

Quote: "I'm not like you... I'll keep resisting what's in my blood." or "You're lucky to be alive. Pick up your livers and go!"

Variant Name: Bloody Aura

SA 1 Cutters Nightmare: Gain 10% piercing and a 5% chance for you to gain 10% health and inflict -10% HP towards the opponent.

SA 2 Blood Splatter: When at 35% HP immediately stops time to do a taunt transformation into Orochi Leona (not the exact name lol but I would put transforms into a darker version of self) (when taunting below 35% the whole background will be black and red like Orochi Ioris) (taunting with special move or prestige will not trigger the effect) After taunt is finished resume time, gain 2 stacks of meter gain, 2 stacks of heavy regen, permanent deadeye and gain an extra 25% piercing BUT after every 15 seconds, inflict 35% HP on self. If Fukua is tagged out the effect will continue to inflict her (excludes your characters tagged in) 35% HP on self until death. (it's like a buff and a nerf)
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Iori 1.pngiori 2.pngiori 3.pngiori 4.pngiori 5.pngOrochi iori 5.pngOrochi iori 4.pngorochi iori 2.pngOrochi iori 3.pngOrochi iori 1.png

Quote: "This is your last fight. A memorable final performance!" or "You're nothing to me. I have but a single enemy..."

Iori and Orochi Iori from King Of Fighters 97 as well with his og colors. when he turns orochi usually skin changed and clothes I think but not entirely sure.

Variant Name: BloodLust

SA 1 Pyrokinesis: Without being hit after 20 seconds inflict random debuffs (except STUN or DOOM) per 5 seconds except when knocked down, HIT, or tagged out it will reset your time.

SA 2 Riot Of The Blood: When at 15% HP immediately stops time to do a unique transformation into Orochi Iori (not the exact name lol but I would put transforms into a darker version of self) (when transforming below 15% the whole background will be black and red like Orochi Ioris and the life gems mouth will open up) After the animation is finished resume time, inflict 2 stacks of heavy bleed, gain 2 stacks of miasma, permanent enrage and gain an extra 50% piercing BUT after every 5 seconds, inflict a stack of heavy bleed on self.
for the remainder of the game, If Ms Fortune is tagged out the effect will continue to inflict heavy bleeding on the next character you switch in. (it's like a buff and a nerf)

Tell me what you guys think! I don't mind feedback.
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Halloween themed Umbrella - Punpkin Witch is here! (She’s in current my banner)

“What kind of “trick” will I play...♪”
Ref - My original

Sig - Trick & treat
Sig1 - When opponent gains BUFF, inflict RAMDOM DEBUFF for 6/7/8 seconds.

Sig2 - When opponent’s DEBUFF expires, gain3/4/5% health and BB METER.
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