• [2018/06/22]
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I wish I had this one done in time for Halloween. Six from Little Nightmares.


SA1: While RAVENOUS, inflict permanent CURSE and drain 1/2/3% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second from nearby opponents. CURSE is removed when no longer RAVENOUS.

SA2: While OVERSTUFFED, gain permanent IMMUNITY and drain 1/2/3% HEALTH per second from nearby opponents. IMMUNITY is removed when no longer OVERSTUFFED.
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Last one for now.
Kiss-shot Acerola-Orion Heart-under-blade from the Monogatari series.


Araragi and Oshino are Horus and Albus.


SA1: While Eliza is above 75%/50%/25% HEALTH, all REGEN effects on the opponent are automatically converted to BLEED. Gain MIASMA for for 5 seconds every 2 seconds while either fighter is suffering from BLEED.

SA2: Heal 75% of damage taken and inflict HEAVY BLEED for 5/7/10 seconds when losing more than 10% HEALTH in a single hit.
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Screenshot 2023-11-08 1.04.37 PM.png
"I'll Show you How its Done!"
SA: Strike the Set

SA1: After IDLING or WALKING for 10/5/3 seconds, Filia gains 10/15/20% Blockbuster Meter every 3 seconds
SA2: Blockbusters inflict CRIPPLE, WITHER, and CURSE for 5/10/15 seconds while Filia is IDLE
Reference: Squigly and Leviathan
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"You've gone too far, Samson!"
SA: Parasite Swap

SA1: Inflict 1/2/3 Stacks of Bleed for 5 seconds while Charged and DASHING
SA2: While the opponent is suffering from BLEED, Transfer up to 1/2/3 of the opponents BUFFS while Charged and hitting the opponent while DASHING
Reference: Filia and Samson
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"Come on everybody, smile, smile, smile!"

SA: Delicious Threat

SA1: After every 10 hit, Filia will gain either Regen, Enrage and Evasion for 15 seconds. Hitting a blocking enemy have 25% chance to inflict Heal Block, Cripple and Wither for 12 seconds.

SA2: Blockbuster hit will deal 35% more damage. When Filia evade an attack she will gain 25% Blockbuster meter while gaining Deadeye for 10 seconds.
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Palettes based off of characters from Streets of Rage (aka Bare Knuckle)

Reference: Blaze Fielding (based off of her Streets of Rage 1 appreance, barring the hair)

Ability: Police Call
• Inflict DEATH MARK/ and QUIETUS for 9/11 seconds when using an EGRET MOVE.

• While the opponent is suffering from DEATH MARK, gain ARMOR for 9 seconds and inflict damage equal to 25%/35%/50% of Parasouls ATTACK every 3 seconds.

Reference: Max Thunder (based off of his Streets of Rage 2 appreance, the Wulf Hood referencing Mr. X's suit)

Ability: Thunder Tackle
• When using WULF BLITZER, sacrifice 20% of your current HEALTH and inflict IMMOBILIZE and GUARD BREAK for 5/7/10 seconds on HIT (also applies on blocked HITS).

• While Beowulf is on field, opponents lose 2% MAX HEALTH and 2%/3%/4% BLOCKBUSTER METER per movement while suffering from IMMOBILIZE.
no ref,just an original color palette.
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That one looks AWESOME! I love it!

And here are mine :


SA 1 : *read*, when on Sekhmet mode, hitting her ejects you.
SA 2 : *subscribe to my website* Her taunts cause blockbuster gauge to go down.


SA 1 : *Unspeakable cuteness* : When on star mode, opponents atk is weakened.
SA 2 : *Undescribable choregraphy* : A 10 hit combo causes doom if Necronomidol is below 25% health.

HP : 1
ATK : 0
DEF : 0
SA 1 : Causes permanent slowdown when entering the fight.
SA 2 : Causes permanent bleed if fighting for more than 20 seconds straight.
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I made more of these, I hope gives inspiration in future variants. Or at least make your day.

Parasoul - Carmine
descargar (5).pngdescargar.jpeg

Squigly - Chise and Elias
descargar (6).png magus-bride-web-anime.jpg

Black Dahlia - Zarya
descargar (4).pngZarya.png
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"This is what i have become from my wish"
Ref: Filia's ending in 2nd encore story mode (i want to see skullgirl filia sooo)

SA: Final Wish
SA1: Special Moves and Blockbusters deals 30% more damage and have 25% chance of granting Filia buff(s) according to opponent team's elements

SA2: Resurrect with 60% Hp and transfer all the buff(s) to the opponent and convert it into debuffs for 30 seconds
Annie as Haruko Haruhara from FLCL
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"It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool."

SA: Bass Drop

SA1: Projectiles on hit have a 10/15/20% chance to grant EVASION for 10 seconds and to gain 10% STAR POWER meter.

SA2: Activating STAR POWER at full meter converts all EVASION stacks into ENRAGE, BARRIER or REGEN for 10/12/15 seconds each.
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